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Our Mission

We believe that young people have the right to be consulted about the way in which they are cared for. Participation and involvement are key to ensuring children and young people are listened to, involved and their views taken seriously. Our commitment to participation and involvement is central to the way we work. Our young people are heavily involved in the design and delivery of the service they receive.

We have adopted the "UN Convention of The Rights of The Child" as one of our major underpinning philosophies, and much of our work is deeply rooted in the ethos and principals of Participation and Involvement – "respecting, honoring and creating meaningful and long lasting participation opportunities to effect long term change". Strategies such as our "Participation and Involvement Strategy" and "Development Plans" for each home all reflect the same commitment. As a home, we are committed to meeting the national participation standards which promote best practice.


Our education aim is “To provide a flexible education package for young people whom have otherwise not engaged or are currently not engaging in education.”

The staff team will deliver an innovative ‘in house’ education package suited around the young persons needs. This ‘Child Centered’ package will be based around the ASDAN Award scheme and AQA unit award scheme also utilising our Adventurous Outdoor Activities.

This XYP Educational package will allow disengaged young people to be guided by the their own fully trained care staff team members. Any aspect of the young person’s interest can be intersected within the care setting from basic domestic skills around the home, adventurous outdoor activities, personal finance and many other areas. Or engaging with a care member of staff with a specific area of expertise, for example; guitar playing, IT, horse riding, rock climbing, canoeing, plumbing or decorating. ‘Dedicated Staff Mentors’ will oversee all of the above processes and will also process any outcomes. This package not only delivers great educational outcomes but also provides a therapeutic caring element within the home and the outdoors.

Join the Team

Each young person is looked after by a small team who are supported by the Manager of the home and service. We endeavour to provide young people with structure and routine whilst also promoting opportunities to learn new skills, personal growth and resilience.

We believe in an atmosphere, environment and approach which is caring, nurturing and fun for both the young people in our care and the team that work around each child we care for.

The primary function of an XYP Childcare Support Worker, whether based in the outdoor environment or in the home, is to ensure all our young people are in receipt of high quality care as set out in the Quality Standards and Children’s Homes Regulations. To support them throughout their daily routines, advocate on their behalf, and encourage them to achieve their full potential in all areas of their lives. XYP Childcare is committed to the safeguarding and welfare of all children and young people in our care. All our staff have a key role and responsibility to ensure Safeguarding is of paramount importance.

We strongly encourage a young person to participate in activities or hobbies that interest them. We would hope they would gain exposure to new skills and personal growth through our Adventurous Outdoor Activities such as, bouldering, canoeing, rock climbing, mountain biking, wild camping to name but a few.

XYP Childcare is committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity amongst our workforce and young people. Our aim is that our workforce will be truly representative of all sections of society and each employee feels respected and able to give their best.

It is the continuing policy of XYP Childcare to provide equal opportunity employment to all employees and applicants, without regard to:

  • Gender (including sex, marriage, pregnancy, maternity leave, gender re-assignment, sexual orientation)
  • Race (including ethnic origin, colour, citizenship, nationality, and national origin)
  • Disability
  • Religion or belief
  • Age

All employees whether full-time, part-time or temporary, will be treated fairly and with respect.

XYP Mental Health Resilience Programme

At XYP Childcare we empower our children and young people to monitor, track and improve their mental health and wellbeing.

Our Mental Health Consultant who we liaise with regularly, is instrumental in ensuring that we deliver our non-clinical therapeutic approach effectively and achieve the outcomes of improved mental health and wellbeing for the children and young people in our care in all our services.

In line with recommendations from the Centre for Wellbeing at The New Economics Foundation the XYP Mental Health Resilience Programme promotes strategies around the 5 ways to wellbeing which improves mental health. These strategies have been adopted by the NHS and Mind the mental health charity.

As mental health is a continuum our children and young people are supported to track and monitor their personal mental and physical health journey. They develop individually through engaging in strategies recommended through our programme. They are supported to be physically active, connect with others, learn new things, give back to others and take notice of the world around them through practising mindfulness. In turn our children and young people are healthier both mentally and physically, they are more resilient, and they acquire positive attitudes.

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If you would prefer to speak over the phone, then please do give us a call!

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